Virtual Field Trip to the Marcus Landslide |
![]() North-looking photograph of the eastern side of the McDowell Mountains , where the Marcus landslide runs from left to right. The landslide might not look like much right now, but it will be easier for you to discern the landslide after taking this virtual field trip. |
The McDowell Mountains in northeastern Phoenix host one of the largest known landslides in Arizona. The entire landslide is within the McDowell Mountain Regional Park preserve (Figure 1) . Discovery of this large feature took place during the construction of a learner-centered education course funded by the Arizona Board of Regents. The slide is named in honor of former ASU Professor of Geography Melvin Marcus. A world-renowed physical geographer and student favorite, Professor Marcus passed away in 1997 while leading class field trip in the Rocky Mountains. Check
out this Channel 12 News video clip on the Marcus Landslide: Click Here |
![]() Figure 1. The Marcus
landslide at different
scales. |
Landslides litter steep unstable hillslopes across Arizona. The Grand Canyon in northern Arizona hosts thousands of landslides, with innumerable failure prone slopes and cliffs (Figure 2). In fact, the Surprise Canyon landslide in western Grand Canyon remains the largest discovered landslide in the state. |
![]() Figure 2. A Landsat image of the Grand Canyon, courtesy of NASA, merged with the topography. The rock fall image, caught by Niccole Cerveny, illustrates what happens when very steep slopes are continuously undercut by river erosion. |
The McDowell Mountains have
one important
thing in common with Grand Canyon, steep hillslopes. The
landslide failed along plane with a very steep angle of 33
The presence of the Marcus landslide cautions against unwise
next to steep slopes of Phoenix mountain ranges. The
Landslide is technically called a rock avalanche. The Marcus
is among the biggest rock avalanches called sturztroms with a volume
7 million cubic meters. The slide mass extends about one
from the mountain front with a width of 0.5 kilometers. The
exhibits classic features of large landslides of breakaway scar and
zone (Figure 3).
![]() Figure 3. A west-looking view of the Marcus landslide from a height of 200m, constructed from a 10m resolution digital elevation model in MicroDEM. There is no vertical exaggeration. Ripples in the foreground represent DEM artifacts. |
This virtual field provides a tour of the Marcus Landslide intended for anyone interested in desert geomorphology (geomorphology is the science of how the earth's landscape is sculpted). This virtual field trip is more than just a set of pretty pictures, although you can certainly just look at the photos. We explore reasons for landslide failure, the probable age of the landslide, and classic features of large landslides that you can see on the Marcus Landslide. But like any other geography field trip, we there is more than just the topic of focus. So you will also see the flora, fauna, and cultural landscape features normally encountered (e.g. Figure 4). |
![]() Figure 4. Gila monster hiding in a little alcove. The material making up the alcove consists of cemented landslide debris on the east end of the slidemass. |
How this virtual field trip works: The field trip structure involves a series of stops with panoramic images of the surrounding terrain. From these panoramic images, clickable hotspots provide a more in depth means of examining particular locations of interest. After exploring all the hotspots for a particular spot, move on to the next stop and repeat the same procedure. A reference image located at the base of each stop provides a viewshed of your current location, to help you maintain your position with respect to eh landslide. The color rounded triangle represents the viewshed, you virtually stand at the pointy end and look our towards the rounded edge (Figure 5). Along the way, more in depth information provides those so inclined a chance to explore in great detail some aspects of the Marcus Landslide, but by no means required to enjoy your trip. |
![]() Figure 5. The upper image is an example of the guidance on this virtual field trip. The funny pie shaped feature with a number is the viewshed you will see at, in this example, stop 4. At this location, you are virtually standing in the pointed part of the orange viewshed and looking out towards the rounded edge. In this example, the photograph is what you would see from site 4, looking up at the bottom of the slide. The combination of aerial view and ground view helps you know where you and helps you navigate the field trip. The upper image was generated using MicroDEM. |
To start the virtual field trip, please click the link below: Marcus Landslide Virtual Field Trip