OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

The Earth and its Setting


A. Solar System: a little perspective

  1. 3rd of 8 planets (science/scientific method)
    .... or is it 9?
    .... or is it 12??
  2. 150M km / 93M mi. from sun sun (map)
  3. = 8 minutes traveling at light spd
B. The Earth
  1. 12,700 km / 8,000 mi. diameter
  2. 40,000 km / 25,000 mi. circumpherence
  3. shape = oblate spheroid
  4. 23 1/2° tilt from vertical = seasons
  5. rotation = 1,670 kph; 1,037 mph at equator
    ... one rotation = ~24 hours
  6. revolution (orbit) = 365 1/4 days = leap year
  7. orbit is elliptical, NOT circular
    • perihelion = nearer (JAN)
    • aphelion = farther (JUL)
    • equinox and solstice
  8. gravitational pull of sun and moon affect tides
  9. gaseous atmosphere = "just right" to sustain life
    • volcanic activity = "right" mix of gases
    • "right" gravity to maintain "right" mix of gases


A. Grid Systems

  1. latitude and longitude = angular measurements
  2. 15° longitude/hour
  3. time
  4. township and range
B. Maps
  1. definition
  2. projections
  3. legend
    • date of publication!
    • symbology
    • scale -- graphic (or linear), verbal, fractional (or relational)
  4. contour lines
  5. relief
C. Remote Sensing
  1. hot air balloons to satellite technology
  2. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  3. Global Positioning System (GPS) (animation)
    • combine w/ GIS
    • a multitude of applications
D. Systeme International -- Metric System
  1. Learn to make simple associations
  2. Learn the prefixes
    • deka / deci = 10
    • hecto / centi = 100
    • kilo / milli = 1,000
    • mega = 1,000,000
    • giga = 1,000,000,000
  3. Primary Units: meter, kilogram, second, kelvin, meter-per-second,......


OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics