OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

STORMS CHAPTERS -----> Air Mass / Fronts Midlatitude Cyclone Thunderstorms Hurricanes

Air Masses and Fronts


A. Definition

B. Source Regions

  1. "c" = continental = dry
  2. "m" = maritime = wet
  3. "P" = polar = cold
  4. "T" = tropical = warm
  5. "A" = arctic = VERY COLD and dry
C. Air Mass Modifications
  1. cT = hot AZ summer (strong subsidence "caps" convection)
  2. mT = "Pineapple Connection" and summer monsoon
  3. cP (over Siberia) >> becomes >> mP (over the Pacific)
  4. cP = upper level subsidence inversion
  5. "Lake Effect"

A. Definiton

B. Types

  1. cold
  2. warm
  3. occluded
    • symbol
    • diagram
  4. stationary
C. Lifting Mechanisms (revisited)
  1. convective
  2. orographic
  3. convergent
  4. frontal

STORMS CHAPTERS -----> Air Mass / Fronts Midlatitude Cyclone Thunderstorms Hurricanes