OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

STORMS CHAPTERS -----> Air Mass / Fronts Midlatitude Cyclone Thunderstorms Hurricanes

Thunderstorms and Tornadoes


A.   Stages of Development

  1. cumulus -- updrafts
  2. mature -- updrafts and downdrafts
  3. dissipating -- downdrafts
B.   Terminology
  1. contrast between cold-warm and/or wet-dry
    • dryline
  2. microburst winds and gust fronts
  3. "severe" thunderstorm
  4. hail ... lethal?
  5. "supercell" -- time lapse
    • overshooting top
  6. Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC)
C.   Distribution
  1. world = equator
  2. U.S. = Florida (hail map)
D.   Lightning
  1. lightning >> shockwave >> thunder
  2. "sheet", "heat", and "dry" lightning (more)
  3. lightning distribution map
  4. lightning safety: Public Svc Ad
  5. fulgurite (from Queen Creek)
  6. upper atmosphere lightning: sprites and blue jets

A.   Terminology and Concepts

  1. mesocyclone
  2. extreme low pressure vortex... video
  3. form in SW quadrant of thunderstorm
  4. funnel cloud ... second example
  5. wall cloud ... another ... and another
  6. tornado family ... and here
  7. Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF0-EF5) ... (original)
  8. photogrammetry
  9. Doppler Radar - hook echo
  10. waterspout (#2) ... dust devils
B.   Watch vs. Warning

C.   Distribution and Statistics

  1. 75% of world's tornadoes are in the U.S.
  2. seasonally - late afternoon in May ... animated map
  3. geographically - "Tornado Alley"
  4. annual average by state
  5. trend: total number of tornadoes
  6. trend: number of F3-F5 tornadoes
  7. April 27, 2011

STORMS CHAPTERS -----> Air Mass / Fronts Midlatitude Cyclone Thunderstorms Hurricanes