OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

MOISTURE/PRECIP CHAPTERS -----> Humidity Clouds Stability Precipitation

Condensation: Dew, Fog, and Clouds


A.   Condensation Nuclei

  1. hygroscopic (ex. salt, sulfuric and nitric acids)
  2. hydrophobic (ex. petroleum products, teflon)
B.   Haze

C.   Dew, Frost, Frozen Dew


A.   Types of Fog

  1. evaporation
  2. upslope (orographic)
  3. advection
  4. radiation
B.   Distribution of Fog (avg fog days)


A.   Cloud Types

  1. cirroform
  2. stratiform
  3. cumuloform
B.   By Cloud Height
  1. high = cirro- (cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, cirrus)
  2. middle = alto- (altostratus, altocumulus)
  3. low = stratus, cumulus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus
  4. vertically developed = cumulus, cumulonimbus
C.   Specific Cloud Types
  1. cumulonimbus
  2. nimbostratus
  3. lenticular clouds ... time-lapse
  4. fractus ("scud")... another example ... video
  5. congestus
  6. mammatus... another example
  7. castellanus
  8. contrail ... another ... heavy air traffic

A.   Geostationary Satellites (operation)

  1. 36,000 km above surface
  2. U.S. satellites
    • GOES 8-12 = "retired" (12 currently used for So. America)
    • GOES 15 = western U.S. and eastern Pacific
    • GOES 13 = eastern U.S. and western Atlantic
    • GOES 14 = currently in "orbital storage"
    • GOES "R" (Dec 2015?), "S", "T", "U".......
  3. Other countries with weather satellites
    • Europe
      • METEOSAT-7 = serves Indian Ocean
      • METEOSAT-9 = Europe/Africa (8 = backup)
      • METEOSAT-10 = launch June 2012?
    • Japan (nicknamed "Himawari")
    • Russia = Electro-L / GOMS 2 (2011)
    • China ("Fengyun")
      • FY-2D, 2E, 3A, & 3B = operational
    • India = INSAT3A, C, and E
    • Korea: KOMPSAT-2 (2006); #3 in 2012?
B.   Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES)
  1. much lower = 1000 km
    • approx. 100 minutes / orbit
    • current = NOAA-15 thru NOAA-19
  2. can be "sun-synchronous"
    • passes over every part of the earth at the same time of day locally
  3. much sharper in detail esp. over polar areas
C.   Computer Enhancement
  1. highlight weather details
  2. and impacts

MOISTURE/PRECIP CHAPTERS -----> Humidity Clouds Stability Precipitation