OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

CLIMATE AND CHANGE CHAPTERS -----> Pollution Climate Climate Change

Climate Change


A.   Definition

B.   Terminology, Processes, Evidence

  1. dendroclimatology
  2. ice cores ... example #2
  3. dust / pollen / sediment layers (comparison)
  4. glacial vs. interglacial periods


A.   Most Recent Ice Age

  1. peaked 22,000 yrs BP (world coverage)
  2. sea level change ; "Bering Land Bridge"
  3. Younger-Dryas
  4. warmer 5000-6000 yrs BP ?? 2000 yrs BP? 1000 yrs BP?
B.   Little Ice Age (1550s to late-1800s)
  1. 1816 = "year with no summer"
  2. current warming starts in late 1800s
    • What should one expect after the Little Ice Age?


A.   Feedback Mechanisms

  1. positive
  2. negative
B.   Milankovitch Theory
  1. eccentricity
    • orbital shape change
    • 100,000 yr cycle
  2. precession of the axis
    • wobble in Earth's rotation
      ** tilt to the "right" or "left"?
    • change in aphelion/perihelion
    • 23,000 yr cycle
  3. obliquity
    • tilt angle change
      ** due to wobble
    • 41,000 yr cycle
  4. the connections
C.   Volcanic Eruptions
  1. Tambora, Indonesia - 1815
  2. El Chichon, Mexico - 1982
  3. Pinatubo, Philippines - 1991
  4. Yellowstone eruptions??
  5. Western U.S. volcanoes!
  6. Impact of volcanic eruptions on atmosphere?
D.   Sunspots
  1. 11 yr cycle
  2. past 10,000 years
  3. Maunder Minimum
    • 1645-1715
    • coldest part of Little Ice Age
  4. correlation of solar activity to temperature ... Arctic temps?
E.   "Greenhouse Effect", Urban Heat Island, or ?????
  1. 1998 = the warmest year ever!
  2. winter 2007-08? coldest winter in....?
  3. 2010?
    • trend?
    • sign of impending ice age?
  4. major data issues
F. Global Warming, yes or no?
  1. poor understanding of science?
  2. What about consensus? answer
    • Oh, and the consensus survey wording...
  3. distortion of science??
  4. On what evidence do we base our conclusions?
  5. Predictions nearly exclusively based on computer models! (accuracy??)
Science or politics?
Scientist or advocate?



"... The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary."

      H.L. Mencken, In Defense of Women, II.13.



CLIMATE AND CHANGE CHAPTERS -----> Pollution Climate Climate Change