NAVIGATION: Introduction - Stop1 - Stop2 - Stop3 - Stop4 - Stop5 - Stops678 - Stops910

GPH 111 
Exercise 14 - TEMPE BUTTE

Stop 2 of 10

Stop 2 of 10

Desert Vegetation - This stop focuses on a few different kinds of vegetation on Tempe Butte, and where they are located.  Just click on the different vegetation types in the boxes to see a few examples.  However, your lab manual provides much more detail.

Helper Map:

HELP with the Yellow Viewsheds: The yellow pie slices with numbers are the stops in your lab book. The orange color indicates your current stop. You go onto the next stop by clicking the stop you want in the navigation bar below, or by clicking on the next stop in the photo at the top.

NAVIGATION: Introduction - Stop1 - Stop2 - Stop3 - Stop4 - Stop5 - Stops678 - Stops910