OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

ATMOSPHERE CHAPTERS -----> Atmosphere Temperature / Energy Seasonal Variations

Temperature, Energy, and Heat

I.   ENERGY (ability/capacity to do work)

A.  Potential Energy -- potential to do work

B.  Kinetic Energy -- energy of motion

C.  1st Law of Thermodynamics
  1. conservation of energy
  2. energy cannot be created or destroyed
  3. amount of energy factor of mass
II.   TEMPERATURE (speed of molecular movement)
  1. scales
    • Fahrenheit -- 0°, 32°, 212°
    • celcius -- 0°, 100°
    • Kelvin -- "absolute zero"
  2. comparison

A.  Energy Transfer, object to object, due to temperature difference

B.  Terminology

  1. specific heat
    • water (1 cal.) vs. dry soil (0.2 cal.)
  2. latent heat -- method of heat transfer
    • latent heat of vaporization
    • latent heat of condensation
C.  Methods of Heat Transfer
  1. radiation, absorption, reflection, scattering, transmission
  2. conduction -- direct molecular contact
  3. convection -- vertical transfer by movement of a fluid
  4. advection -- horizontal transfer by movement of a fluid
D.  Radiation and Electromagnetic Energy
  1. radiant energy -- everything emits radiation (above 0° K)
  2. wavelength -- measured in micrometers (.000001 m)
    • paper = 100 micrometers thick
  3. longer wavelength = less energy
  4. wavelength dependent upon temperature of object (Wien's Law)
    • sun = short
    • earth = long
  5. electromagnetic spectrum
    • speed of light = 186,000 miles/second
      = 670,000,000 mph
E.  More Terminology
  1. insolation (vs. insulation)
  2. solar constant
  3. reflection -- albedo
F.  Adiabatic Heating and Cooling (diagram)

ATMOSPHERE CHAPTERS -----> Atmosphere Temperature / Energy Seasonal Variations