OTHER TOPICS -----> Intro./Maps Atmosphere Pressure/Wind Moisture
Storms Forecasting Climates and Change Optics

ATMOSPHERE CHAPTERS -----> Atmosphere Temperature / Energy Seasonal Variations

Daily and Seasonal Temperature Variations


A.   Length of Day

  1. Phoenix
  2. Fairbanks, Alaska
B.  Latitude
  1. Angle of Incidence
  2. seasonal variation
C.  Temperatures: Where is it Hottest? Coldest?
  1. Isolines -- Isotherms (5° interval... smoothed)
  2. ... another example (5° int. ... strong contrast)
  3. ... more detailed example

A.  Diurnal Range

  1. MAX time of day?
  2. MIN time of day?
  3. wind/humidity effect on temps
  4. largest range? smallest?
  5. what is "normal"?
B.  Annual Range
  1. Hilo, HI (no variation)
  2. Phoenix
  3. Harbin, China (large variation)
C.  Sensible Temperature
  1. heat stress index
  2. wind chill index
D.  Urban Heat Island (in Phoenix)
-- Chicago ... Atlanta


A.  Must be shielded from sun (or this way)

B.  Classic Thermometers

  1. Liquid in Glass
  2. Bimetallic (brass and iron)
  3. Thermograph
    (actually a hygrothermograph)
C.  Electrical Thermometers
  1. electrical resistence thermometer
    • metallic (nickel / platinum)
    • resistence increases as temp increases
    • ASOS standard
  2. thermistors (electrical thermometer)
    • ceramic
    • resistence increases as temp decreases
  3. thermocouple
    • bimetallic
  4. Connect them to a computer and...
D.  Infrared Sensor (radiometer)

ATMOSPHERE CHAPTERS -----> Atmosphere Temperature / Energy Seasonal Variations