NAVIGATION: Introduction > STOP # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Follow the Water Stop 1 of 13

Follow the Water: Stop 1 of 13 - Mt. Whitney

STOP 1: The landforms and processes we visit on this stop center around glaciation.  The High Sierras (we you are standing - click here for a satellite view) were glaciated numerous times in the past, and evidence of these glacier episodes is abundant.  This stop focuses on landforms associated with glacial processes.

The mountains of the western U.S.A. had extensive growth of glaciers, and the existence of these glaciers speak to a dramatically different climate, likely wetter and cooler.  One of the hypotheses explored in this trip is whether ancient lakes flourished during the time of greatest glaciation, or perhaps when the glaciers were melting.  Before you get down and dirty with the different parts of this stop, take a look at the High Sierras and the low Owens Valley in this virtual fly over

OK. Enough with this fly over, go check out the view boxes. Click on them.  When you are done, click on STOP TWO.

Note: You are standing on top of Mt. Whitney looking off to the northwest.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!  It was a hard hike (starting at 4am) but the weather held and... I mean just look around....  what a fabulous day.

Viewshed Map: