NAVIGATION: Introduction > STOP # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Follow the Water Stop 2 of 13

Follow the Water Stop 2 of 13 - Evolution Basin

STOP 2: This stop examines fluvial processes and landforms ranging from fluvial equilibrium to stream competence.  The streams and rivers visited in this section drain high elevation mountains in the High Sierras, the very beginning of fluvial systems.  As such, the rivers and streams struggle to move large clast (sediment) sizes, with low discharges (compared with rivers farther downstream), over resistant bedrock, and across recently glaciated terrain.  The rivers and streams are therefore struggling to retain equilibrium, where they have just enough stream power to transport the sediment in the system downstream, and no more or less.      

Note: The locations used in this stop could not be found from a single panoramic.  This is the reason the hotlinks are in the sky.  The locations used were shot taken all along the John Muir TrailThis website will help plan for your backpacking trip.

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